Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nootropics (Caffeine and L-Theanine)

Nootropics (/noʊ.əˈtrɒpɨks/ noh-ə-TROP-iks)—also called smart drugs, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers—are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that improve one or more aspects of mental function.

What works, 

1) Caffeine (got mine from prolabs)
2) L-Theanine

In my opinion, this will give any student an unfair advantage over their peers. That is if you are not already on something even stronger, which i have yet to dwell into. There are definitely stronger substances but i am not very sure how well they work and what are risks for long term consumption. Henceforth, i would recommend the above brain boosters. 

My experience with them for the past week is that they improve my level of alertness. Even if i do not sleep well the night before, i take the pills and i feel awake and alert. Be careful though, as they might cause anxiety, jittery if over-consumed. It has also cause me to be more irritated at people (small effect lol). 

Multiple research have been cited and done to show the efficacy of the above combination. I have always realized the nootropic effects of green tea and i believe the effect is obtained from the caffeine and L theanine in green tea as well. I strongly believe in the above combination for an improvement in brain function.

Its effects taper off after around 3 hours from consumption. It is an estimation and might actually be longer. I do not have time to provide the studies done on effects of the above 2 substances combined together here but i know they are out there.

My current dosage is 200mg caffeine 300mg L-theanine. Caused a bit of jittery which is not good, i will most probably next be increasing the dosage for L-Theanine to 400mg to combat the effect. I must be careful as that might cause too much relaxation and brain fog. Even though there was mild jittery for 2:3 ratio, brain feels alert.

Will continue to post more when i have the time.

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